Thursday, December 13, 2007

Got Milk?

A lawsuit has been filed in Seattle, Washington claiming that some of the nation's biggest grocers have been selling milk as "organic" when the milk does not meet the government standards for organiosity. If you go to Target, and buy "Archer Farms" milk, the suit says that you are not buying organic milk - despite the pretty package. The pictures on the carton should be more like the one on the right according to the plaintiffs in the case.

The beef (pardon the pun) is that large corporate players in the milk market say that thier farms are organic when they are really not. That makes it difficult for mom & pop dairies to compete.
In answer to the complaint, Target says that the lawsuit is an attempt to override the USDA definition of organic with the consumer's view of what is organic -- which is a pretty surprising statement. I guess Target thinks that we have to take the Government's word for everything, and that consumers are just too stupid to figure out if the Government's definition is anything approaching the common useage of the word "organic". If the lawsuit is right, and the big milk players are using 325 acres of land to maintain and milke 4,000 cows, most of us would have a hard time accepting a government definition of that production as "organic" because those 4,000 cows are not out in the pasture getting food.

Where did that old "customer is always right" thing go?

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