Friday, September 7, 2007

How Much Law did we Get this year?

Earlier I posted about the number of laws were passed by the Texas Legislature in 2007. As of September 7th, the count is 962 laws in the 90 day session. At the rate of 10 laws passed per day, I cannot believe that my representatives have even read most of the things that they are voting on. The 962 laws are the ones passed not the number offered for consideration.

The job of a legislator includes committee meetings, constituent visits, and floor discussion, among many other activities that they apparently tend to. (most of which deserve a completely different discussion). Given the number of days that are available for work on reading and considering laws that are presented for vote, I will venture the guess that most legislators have cast numerous votes on bills they have never read.

There are other worthwhile comments to be made about the legislative process. But, this is simple. Did you read the bill before you cast a vote? If you didn't read it, understand it, and apply your best judgment to it, then what value does "representation" have? If the citizens don't care whether you read or not, then why send you at all. We can just have insurance companies, medical lobbyists, and the dreaded "trial lawyers" battle out the future of our state..................................

Publishing despite irony.

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