Thursday, August 16, 2007

How Much Law do we really need?

I got my copy of Volume 3 of the Texas Session Laws today. It covers Chaps. 269-500....meaning that our Legislature passed at least 500 laws this session. I would hope that the following two years will provide a quality of life 500 times better than it was before, but I have my doubts.

For example, one law (that is noted as significant) says that the Education Code was amended to authorize "the Commissioner of Education to consider school districts, with a wealth per student that exceeds the recapture threshold for the first time in 2006-2007 or a later school year, to have its wealth per student reduced to the equalized wealth level by deducting the recapture amount from the hold harmless amount of state aid, in lieu of a recapture option which requires the school district to hold an election". I better off or worse off?

*Update: as of September 7, 2007 (a date after which most of the legislation passed in the 2007 session have become effective) the count for the year is 962 laws passed in the 90 day session.

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